Solar Generator: How Does Solar Generator Work?

Generators have now become an obligatory thing in any house and apartment, as this is a guarantee that under any circumstances you can have access to electricity, which means charging your devices and even connecting a router to the Internet. Of particular surprise was the emergence of solar-powered generators, which are a unique way to extract energy.

However, for many people who need an additional resource of electricity, there is no information about generators, and even more so the solar system, which is why understanding whether they need this generator, what type of generator and how to work with it becomes problematic issues. 

If this problem is relevant to you, then this article will help you.

In this article, we will get acquainted with what solar generators are, what are the types of these generators, how they work, how they differ from conventional generators, and also what are the pros and cons of using these devices so that you can decide exactly what you need for yourself this purchase or not.

solar generator

What is a solar generator?

Let’s start with what are generators in general. Generators are devices that take one type of energy, such as fuel or propulsion, and convert it into electricity that you can use to power your gadgets and devices. Generators especially save you in a situation where power outages occur and you urgently need electricity.

Moreover, some generators can be used not only for electrical devices, but can also provide electricity to a huge area, such as an apartment, but for this, the generator will need to consume a lot of energy from the outside, for example, fuel.

Also, generators are used for outdoor activities, such as hiking.

A solar generator is a device that uses special solar panels to convert solar energy into an electrical energy resource for, for example, charging a phone or computer. This type of generator is one of the most popular among people who love outdoor activities and is almost completely environmentally friendly.

What is the usage of solar-powered generators? 

Solar-powered generators are a great option for backup power supply, especially for small devices and travel. However, there are also types of solar-powered generators which, with extra powerful solar panels and batteries, can be a backup power supply for a whole house.

Types of solar generators

Just like with any other type of generator, solar generators are developing very quickly and there are more and more advanced models of these devices. Therefore, it was decided to divide this type of generator into two categories: portable solar and solar backup generators. Below you can find detailed information about these generators.

Solar Backup Generator

Let’s start with solar backup generators. This type of solar generator is made for situations when the light is completely cut off in your room, apartment, or house, as the device is specially equipped with many batteries, capable of storing energy in a large volume. They are very powerful, as they are considered a reserve resource of electricity.

Also, this type of generator, although it takes a long time to charge (up to two days), however, it works like a conventional electrical system, it is completely silent and, unlike conventional generators, the backup solar generator does not emit carbon dioxide.

Their biggest difference from portable solar generators is that most often they are quite massive and cannot be used for travel.

Portable Solar Generator 

The portable solar generator is perfect for outdoor activities and long journeys. Portable solar generators are much lighter than backup generators as they are made to be easy for the user to move around with. Also, portable solar power generators can serve as a backup flow of electricity, but on a slightly smaller scale than backup generators.  

You can charge this generator with AC power.

Although portable solar generators seem to be ideal generators, as they can help in any situation, they still do not stand out with power, that is, a portable generator cannot provide electricity to a house or apartment for a long time. Moreover, it will still take a long time to charge such a generator from a car. 

How do solar generators work? 

Below, you can see the detailed steps of how solar generators work.

  1. Solar panels or lithium-ion batteries

First, the solar panels convert sunlight into energy and store it inside the generator using lithium-ion batteries.

Also, some solar generators have solar panels with lead-acid batteries, but lithium-ion batteries are much more powerful and more budget-friendly, so choose generators with them.

  1. Charge controller

Inside the solar generators, there is a charge controller which is as important as the solar panels.

The charge controller provides an increase in the performance of the generator battery, as it gives it the necessary protection. Moreover, this component makes sure that the battery works properly and stores solar energy correctly.

  1. Inverter 

The inverter converts direct current (DC power) into alternating current (AC power) in solar generators.

In simple terms, it takes solar energy from batteries and solar panels in solar-powered generators and converts it into electricity to charge your devices. The inverter is a very important component because without it the AC will just stay inside the generator. 

What are the differences between solar generators and gas generators?

Below, you can see the characteristics that most distinguish conventional gas generators from solar-powered generators.

  1. Portable power station

On the one hand, different types of gas-powered generators can be portable, but still, a regular solar generator is a more convenient portable power station, since you do not need to carry extra gasoline with you.

  1. Technology 

Also, the technology of ordinary gas-powered generators is much more popular and known to people, as it is similar to using a car where you just need to pour gasoline. While the solar generator is a newer technology for generating electricity, which for many people has become a real discovery.

  1. Electricity 

Gas-powered generators reproduce electricity as soon as gasoline is poured into them. While a solar generator must have charged batteries and an accumulated percentage of solar energy from the solar panel. 

On the one hand, you can get the electricity you need right away using a gasoline-powered generator.

On the other hand, the solar-powered generator is a more environmentally friendly and autonomous device for generating electricity, although not immediately.

  1. Costly fossil fuels 

It is worth noting that gas generators will require fuel consumption on an ongoing basis. While solar generators only need sunlight and charging to convert energy. Moreover, buying fuel is also much harder than getting access to the sun, since it is not sold in every store.

  1. Toxic gases 

More often than not, you can’t put traditional gas generators inside your home, as they give off carbon dioxide and other unsafe gases. The solar generator does not emit any gases, as it works with current and batteries, so the operation is completely silent and harmless to the user and the environment.

  1. Maintenance 

Traditional generators require constant maintenance, for example, even the purchase of oil for the generator engine, which still needs to be properly selected. Of course, the solar generator will also require maintenance and care from time to time, but the fuel, if not properly maintained, causes much more damage to the generator.

Advantages and disadvantages of solar generators 

Before buying solar generators, you need to first familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of this device, so as not to be disappointed later.

Pros of Solar Generators

Below, you can see the benefits of using a solar generator.

  1. Fuel

The first and main advantage is, of course, the absence of the need to use fuel for a solar generator. A solar panel is a cost-effective and environmentally friendly way to get energy.

  1. Renewable energy 

The solar generator emits absolutely clean renewable energy. This means not only that you don’t have to use harmful fuels, but also that there are no harmful wastes, such as carbon dioxide. This is especially good when relaxing in the forest and using a generator, you continue to consume absolutely clean air, while still having access to electricity.

  1. Maintenance 

The operation of the solar generator is silent due to the peculiarity of the technique of reproducing electricity. Moreover, due to the design features of this generator, that is, the absence of moving parts, you will not need to buy special outgoing products, such as oil, and maintenance will also be mandatory only in case of a serious breakdown.

Cons of Solar Generators

Once you have seen the benefits, you need to be prepared for possible problems with solar generators.

  1. Cost 

Before buying a solar generator, you need to understand that you will have to pay not only for the generator itself but also for solar power devices, such as solar panels. Because of this, the cost of solar generators is about two thousand dollars. Moreover, you won’t need to constantly worry about fuel supplies and constantly travel to stations, which will also reduce your costs.

  1. Recharging 

Solar backup or portable power station needs a long time to charge. It takes time for the solar panel to first stand in the sun and be able to charge the battery, which usually takes about 9 hours.

And this becomes a minus for those who used fuel generators before and immediately received electricity by simply filling in the fuel.

  1. Solar Power supply

The solar generator battery has limited performance, which is why these generators are used more as portable sources of electricity since unlike diesel generators, where everything depends on the amount of diesel, the solar generator is limited by the performance and battery charge


The solar power generator is a wonderful, environmentally friendly generator that can help you get electricity under any condition, and having this device, you will no longer need to worry about a sudden power outage in your city or charging devices during long trips. The solar power generator is the best backup electricity flow option.

We hope that after reading this article, you now understand how solar generators differ from conventional generators, what are the two types of generators, and what are the pros and cons of purchasing this device. Moreover, now you are sure you need this generator and how to use it correctly.

If you are interested in how a solar generator is built you can read this article: How To Build A Solar Generator: A Complete Guide And More

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Do solar generators really work?

Yes, solar generators do work, but the efficiency and power of their work depend on the type of generator. If you have chosen a backup solar-powered generator, you can get a huge amount of electricity, but if you have bought a portable solar generator, then you can only provide electricity to a couple of devices before being fully charged.

Can a solar generator power a house?

If you have chosen a solar generator with very powerful solar panels and batteries, then, of course, you can provide electricity to the whole house. However, if you have a small generator whose solar power is designed for a couple of household devices, then most likely the charge of the generator is simply not enough for such a huge area.

How long can a solar generator run?

How long can a solar generator run?

How long your solar generators serve depends of course on manufacturers, quality, and care. If you take care of the generator correctly and follow all the manufacturer’s advice, then the solar generator can be in working condition for up to 35 years.

How does a solar generator work at night?

The battery inside the generator during the daytime absorbs all the solar energy from the solar panel, which can be used at night. That is, electricity is saved and stored inside solar generators. However, you need to make sure that the solar panels receive the right amount of solar energy per day, in order to then give it to the battery for night activation.

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